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Glen-Coe Conservation Society Inc
Location Address: 9869 Foote Rd, Glenwood, NY 14069
Mailing address: Glencoe P.O. Box 158, Glenwood, NY 14069
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by Glen-Coe Admin on 08/03/16

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Comments (15)

1. Craig said on 6/7/22 - 10:35AM
During the last four meeting the motion to raise the dues has been discussed. During the may meeting the motion was brought to a vote by the membership. The vote was called the motion passed 70% voted in favor to raise the Membership dues to $200. Also to revisit this in two years. This is a By Law change and will be addressed. During the past meetings it was mentioned that Glencoe has a lot to offer its membership Trap Archery Hunting Shooting range, Camping, Fishing, Family Picnic Etc. The Membership has access to the club house and grounds at anytime. The dues were raised to cover our operating costs which continue to increase each year. Archery and Trap should be able to be profitable. Over many years both have helped with these costs and is not fair to them. Thank You, Craig T
2. Craig T said on 12/13/22 - 10:03AM
Our annual October Meeting has come and gone. Sadly We have lost quite a few members. With the remaining dues paying members we should be able to cover our operating costs this will be revisited in two years and adjustments can be made if necessary. With our raffle and donation drive for our building fund we are closer to raising the pole barn. I would like to thank our lifetime members and others for there generous donations. To all Members: join us at our monthly meetings the last Tuesday of the month to stay informed on club business as well as meeting other members and joining a committee of your interest. Thanks Craig
3. Craig T said on 2/27/23 - 09:46AM
The Last 2 Months Glencoe has hosted both The Western New York 3D Archery Winter League And The Western New York Trap League. I would like to thank all members who helped with these events, without our memberships help we would not to be able to host these sporting events. It's important that Glencoe stays involved in these shooting events so we can pass them on to the next generation. Thanks, Craig T
4. Craig T said on 5/1/23 - 10:25AM
On April 29th Glencoe hosted the annual Mini Roadrunner. There was 175 Trap Shooters who shot. The Traps performed perfectly. The members who helped did a great job and should be recognized they are. Bob Pyne, Don Seider, Roger Seider, Paul Hughes, Dave Grace, John Pfeiffer, Dan Hall, Mike Mancuso, larry Schiralli, Larry lange, Bill Wilson, Tim Rockwood, Page, Joyce, and Bradon. Thanks to All. Our Annual spring clean up was very low on turnout Thanks goes out to Tim and Judy Rockwood and Gary Siefert. Thanks also to Bill Skura for cleaning out the Rifle Range Shelter. Note Using the range. #1 ALWAYS BE SAFE. #2 SIGN IN. #3 CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR SELF.
5. Craig T said on 8/8/23 - 06:37PM
Our construction of The pole barn is completed stop up and take a look. Next steps are draining, electric, concrete and landscaping. We will be financing the concrete with fundraising members who would like to be involved contact there committee chairman thanks Craig
6. Craig T said on 8/8/23 - 06:45PM
As of the first week in August The construction of our pole barn is completed next steps are drainage, electric concrete and finally landscaping. The society will be financing the concrete with fundraising any member that will help with fundraising should contact there committee chairman thanks Craig
7. Craig T said on 9/8/23 - 02:17PM
To all dues paying members remember dues are due before the October meeting. Dues this year as well as last year are $200.00 You may mail to Po box 158 Glenwood NY 14069 or you may drop off at the club. Thanks Craig T
8. Craig T said on 9/11/23 - 09:28AM
Update on the new pole barn. The following items are complete. Construction of Building,site prep, Drainage, Electric, And Water. The Electrical inspection and certificate of compliance from the town completed. Thanks goes out to all members who helped with this process.Thanks also goes out to our board of directors. The next step is Concrete. We need to be able to afford this. Any member who wishes to donate to our building fund should contact a board member. We will be starting fundraisers It would be great if all members could participate Thanks Craig
9. Craig T said on 1/22/24 - 09:42AM
Updates: WNYTL visited our club on 1/14 Shoot was a huge success.I would like to thank all members who helped. Unfortunately we had to cancel the 1/21 shoot due to a driving band. Archery League has upcoming shoots 1/28,2/25,3/24 contact Pat Abramo for info. Pole Barn is up and awaiting concrete, looking for members to run a raffle to help with financing. Thanks Craig
10. Craig T said on 2/16/24 - 09:51AM
Updates: Raffle tickets are out. The Proceeds will benefit our building fund. see Pat Abramo for tickets. Spring clean up will be scheduled at our February Meeting. Kids fishing derby is the First Saturday in {May 4th}. Friday Night Trap has been busy thanks to all members who have helped. look on the calendar for your scheduled night to help contact me if you have a conflict. Thanks Craig T
11. Craig T said on 3/8/24 - 01:50PM
Updates: The Winter Raffle Tickets will be Drawn March 26th at our general meeting. Spring Cleanup is Scheduled Saturday April 20th plenty of cleanup needed in the club house. Our 3rd archery shoot is scheduled for March 24th help is needed both Saturday and Sunday contact Pat Abramo for info. The kids Fishing Derby is the first Saturday in May bring your kids and enjoy please bring a dish to pass. Thanks Craig T
12. Craig T said on 3/27/24 - 03:02PM
Our winter raffle was a great success thanks to all members who sold tickets congratulations to the winners. our march archery shoot went well thanks to all members who helped. Happy Easter, Craig
13. Craig T said on 4/30/24 - 03:32PM
Thanks to all members who helped with Saturdays roadrunner it was a great success
14. Craig T said on 7/18/24 - 11:07AM
Update: Glencoe Conservation Society is Celebrating its 75 Yr Anniversary since the forming of Glencoe. All Members and their families are invited to Celebrate on August 10th for our family picnic. Gary Maybach and Good Question will be playing 2pm to 6pm. Hot Dogs ,Hamburgers and pop provided . Please bring a dish to pass. Grounds open for Camping Fishing Hiking Etc. Check out our new pole barn Looking forward to seeing All.
15. Craig T said on 2/7/25 - 11:16AM
At our last board meeting we discussed important issues re: proposed Changes to the by laws. it is important for all members to be aware of these changes and participate in the discussion . Meetings are always the last Tuesday of the Month @ 7:30. Look forward to see all there. Thanks Craig

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